Sunday, December 15, 2013


Living in dreams all night , all day
in my head ,it plays and it replays
This my friend , you can say is
my affliction

the homeless, haggard , haunting image
of the old man by the curb
His stalking shadow follows me
everywhere I turn
Merging into mine
I am him! he is me!
oh the pain and the anguish of thy tired bare feet
on that hot sunday afternoon
paying no attention to the listless faces passing by
you walk in a state of somnolence ,
with  fire burning up your belly

As I rest my eyes and fall asleep
I dream of tender banana leaves
they turn into akshaya patra
in thy hands , food enough to feed the world
Food not just to serve the Gods, the kings ,
but the poor , the starved , the old , the weak
anything  their heart may want
anything they wish , they seek

Living in dreams all night , all day
in my head ,it plays and it replays
This my friend , you can say is
my affliction

In a dark alley of an empty street
the screams echo off the walls
seeking refuge from mad dogs
a little sister
Lying there naked covered in blood
She covers her face with scrapes of cloth ripped and shed
Crying for help that never came
Her pain , her anguish screamed in me
darkness spreading in the depths of my heart
like a waxing crescent in the dark sky
a little sister was born that day
as Durga yielding her trident , she stood in me
To slay the mahishasuras of the world

Living in dreams all night , all day
in my head ,it plays and it replays
This my dear friend , you can say is
my affliction

The walls crumbled down  the streets
with it , the lies in the heart of the false warm faces we meet
burst into flames of blue fire into the dark sky
from it hatched words out of its shell
truth sprouting its new found wings
freeing us from the shackles of falsehood
as the song bird sings my heart is filled
with the rare mrithunjaya sama manthram
spreading like wild fire it reaches far and wide
cleansing the earth of fatal delusions and lie
like a day that spits hot blood and dies
let hunger , evil , greed pass by
filling our hearts with happiness and love
a dream for now...

so I still live in dreams all night , all day
in my head ,it plays and it replays
This my dear friend , you can say is
my affliction


நந்தாகுமாரன் said...

Wow ... a new cool look ... is that you on the pic ... welcome back ...

நந்தாகுமாரன் said...

Affliction is as disturbing as the truth ...

Sublime Remembrance said...

Thanks the poem is called rogam by malyalam poet onv kurup..a bad attempt at translation..

...still waiting to read ur new book...congrats on getting published and the pic on the blog is mine.

balettan said...

it is very nice keep up the good work

நந்தாகுமாரன் said...

I can send my book to you ...

Sublime Remembrance said...

If there is an e-version email it to , or shoot me an email I will send my physical address ( I live in the US though).